Module 10.1: Introduction to Apache Kafka
- What is Kafka? Why use Kafka in microservices?
- Kafka Producers and Consumers.
- Kafka Topics and Partitions.
Module 10.2: Integrating Kafka with Spring Boot
- Using Spring Kafka to send and receive messages.
- Event-driven architecture with Kafka.
Module 10.3: Kafka Streams and Processing
- Kafka Streams for real-time data processing.
- Designing event-driven applications with Kafka.
Module 11.1: Application Monitoring with Spring Boot
- Introduction to Actuator in Spring Boot for health checks and metrics.
- Monitoring microservices with Prometheus and Grafana.
Module 11.2: Logging and Distributed Tracing
- Setting up logging with SLF4J and Logback.
- Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin.
Module 11.3: Troubleshooting and Debugging
- Debugging microservices with logs and tracing.
- Common issues in microservices and how to resolve them.
Module 12.1: Project Setup and Architecture
- Define the architecture of your project (e.g., an e-commerce platform or a library system).
- Choose the technologies to implement (Spring Boot, Kafka, Microservices, Kubernetes, CI/CD).
Module 12.2: Implementation and Integration
- Develop and integrate all microservices.
- Apply security, CI/CD, and Kafka for messaging.
Module 12.3: Deployment and Testing
- Deploy the system to a Kubernetes cluster.
- Perform integration and unit tests.
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